Check Point Quantum IoT Embedded - The Need for Security in IoT
IoT Devices are shaping the new cyber landscape, from IP cameras and smart elevators, to routers, drones, medical devices, and industrial controllers. Any network-connected device is a potential vulnerability and is often targeted to disrupt services and operations.
Unprotected devices are exposed to malfunction, data and privacy breaches, device tampering and can be used to gain access to connected networks and launch attacks. The potential damage can affect both users and manufacturer; whether financial damage, reputation loss, or criminal liability in cases of device failure or user safety.
Quantum IoT Embedded empowers developers and manufacturers of IoT devices to secure their devices by enabling them to uncover firmware security flaws and harden their products with on-device runtime protection.
Download the solution brief now to discover how you can have the confidence you need to defend against cyber attacks at the device level and keep your customers secure.