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SOC 2.0

A Guide for Better Cloud Security Visibility and Forensics

Working on the SOC team can be taxing; the majority of teams face information overload—overwhelmed by the number of alerts and false positives to track. A study conducted by the Cloud Security Alliance revealed that half of the companies surveyed had six or more tools generating separate security alerts, each of which required review.

This practical and easy-to-read ebook, gives an overview of the challenges that next-gen SOC 2.0 teams and security analysts face today and present tips and recommendations to:

  • Increase visibility, and automate security monitoring and forensics
  • Improve mean time to detect (MTTD) and mean time to respond (MTTR) to threats and incidents.
  • Enrich alerts and log analysis with contextual information for faster and more accurate decision-making
  • Automate response to uncomplicated incidents reducing false positives
  • Create more advanced SOC Orchestration

Read this eBook and get insights on how to better address today’s security challenges while increasing cloud security visibility and optimize forensics. 

Download SOC 2.0 Guide

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